Jamboree #1: LOW PROFILE – On the origins of Jamboree (part 3)

Originally published: 12 January 2016 – https://www.a-n.co.uk/blogs/jamboree/post/52436650/

It feels important to know that all of the energy spent developing and delivering Jamboree might become a starting point for a productive shift in how artists based across the country/regions connect, but also that the workshop could be a focus for driving forward the progressive ideas/resolutions/models conceived by the artists involved in the initial weekend/workshop.

Over the 3 days of Jamboree, we (LOW PROFILE and the workshop participants) identified a number of important ways in which we could improve ‘our situation’ and a number of systemic shifts that would be beneficial to artists and arts practitioners across the UK. Here are a few of the discussed ideas:

Artist Associate Schemes

  • A need to further connect up the different associate schemes/for the coordinators of the schemes to develop a connected network, which works collectively.
  • Artist members feeling more empowered to shape the provision of schemes – questioning what they provide, what is needed and what should be asked for.


  • The need for a network of independent critical writers operating nationally to write about and disseminate interesting projects / work / arts practice.
  • Associate schemes, arts institutions and arts journals supporting the development of a mobile network of writers, operating across the regions to enable a less ‘centred’ recording of current practice.

Increased mobility for artists

  • Making interesting invitations to others – thinking about the resources / what you have access to (and all of its qualities and idiosyncrasies), working out who it might be attractive to / who you’d like to work with / who you’d like to meet and then making approaches.
  • Studio exchange – the need to utilise temporarily empty studio spaces for affordable exchange.  Since the workshop we have found that there is an existing online platform to facilitate this via Artquest:http://www.artquest-artelier.com – it will be useful for participants to join / test / signpost this existing scheme and feedback on any improvements that can be made.


  • The need for curators based in the regions to act as advocates and connectors to help draw attention to the artists based in their own locality
  • Salaried programmers who are nationally and internationally mobile could significantly support the development of artists in their locality by helping them to expand their opportunities elsewhere, assisting in networking, helping them to make professional connections and recommending their work to peers. In this way, artists in the regions benefit directly from the curators at their local institutions becoming ambassadors for cultural activity in their area, highlighting interesting work / practice / projects and retaining more exciting artists.

As the instigators and shapers of Jamboree, we are now in the process of reflecting on the workshop and considering the possibilities of developing a series of Jamboree workshops, a large-scale Jamboree ‘festival’ and/or the need for us to personally take on any of the needs/challenges/ideas set out above.

We are excited about continuing to find efficient, exciting and creative new ways to improve the situation for artists around the country, asking difficult questions and trying to contribute effectively to conversations about what is lacking and what is required where we live and work. We feel confident that in this activity lie the seeds of new ideas, new models and new frameworks. Our hope is that these grow, nurtured by the spirit of openness and generosity we experienced during Jamboree, and become super productive.
